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ThirdEye: Aligning with UAE Vision 2030 for Safer Roads and Communities

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In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been working tirelessly to achieve its ambitious Vision 2030. This strategic blueprint aims to create a competitive and diversified economy, driven by knowledge and innovation, while fostering sustainable development, cohesive society, and a secure and stable environment. One critical aspect of achieving this vision is ensuring safer roads and communities for all residents.

Kuality AI, a leading startup in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, has developed ThirdEye, an AI-powered device designed to address this very challenge and help the UAE fulfil its Vision 2030 goals by ensuring safer roads, improving compliance, preventing road accidents, and enhancing overall safety in cities and communities.

This article will explore how ThirdEye’s innovative solutions align with the UAE’s objectives and help pave the way for a safer future.

Driving Towards a Safer, Greener Future: The Role of ThirdEye in Road Safety, Sustainability, and Smart Cities

1. Reducing Road Accidents Through Advanced Driver Assistance System

One of the key objectives of UAE Vision 2030 is to reduce road accidents and fatalities. ThirdEye’s AI-powered Driver Assistance System can play a significant role in this undertaking, The system employs predictive collision alerts, which help drivers anticipate risks caused by other drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, and ever-changing traffic conditions.
By leveraging AI technologies, ThirdEye can predict collisions before they occur, giving drivers more reaction time and preventing accidents.

For example, if a pedestrian suddenly steps onto the road, ThirdEye can instantly analyse the situation and provide the driver with a visual and auditory alert, prompting them to take corrective action. This advanced warning system can help reduce the frequency and severity of accidents, contributing to safer roads across the UAE.

2. Enhancing Driver Compliance and Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring

Achieving UAE Vision 2030’s safety goals requires not only advanced technologies but also a commitment to driver compliance and responsible behaviour. ThirdEye’s Driver Monitoring System (DMS) addresses this need by utilising AI-powered internal cameras to analyse facial movements and detect unsafe driver behaviours in real time.

The DMS can identify various distractions such as cell phone usage, smoking, noise, and lack of seat belt use. By monitoring these behaviours and providing real-time feedback to drivers, ThirdEye encourages compliance with traffic rules and fosters a culture of safety among drivers.

Moreover, ThirdEye respects driver privacy by only recording collisions and high-risk events, ensuring that personal data is protected and used responsibly.

3. Improving Fleet Management and Driver Coaching

Another aspect of UAE Vision 2030 is the improvement of transportation and logistics infrastructure. ThirdEye can contribute to this goal through its Command & Control System, which summarizes all driving events and behaviours into a single score. This system allows fleet managers to keep track of drivers’ safe driving habits over time and provides a simple way to communicate with drivers on demand.

By identifying patterns in driver behaviour, ThirdEye can help fleet managers develop targeted coaching programs to improve driver performance. These programs can address specific areas of concern, such as speeding, harsh braking, or aggressive driving, ultimately leading to safer roads and more efficient fleet operations.

In addition, ThirdEye can provide valuable data to exonerate drivers from expensive insurance claims in the event of an accident, further enhancing the overall fleet management process.

4. Promoting Sustainability and Reducing Environmental Impact

UAE Vision 2030 emphasizes the importance of environmental sustainability and reducing the impact of transportation on the environment. ThirdEye can contribute to this objective by promoting safer, more efficient driving habits that ultimately reduce fuel consumption and emissions.

By monitoring driver behaviour and providing real-time feedback, ThirdEye encourages drivers to adopt fuel-saving habits, such as maintaining a consistent speed, avoiding harsh acceleration and braking, and reducing idling time. These practices can lead to significant reductions in fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the UAE’s sustainability goals.

5. Supporting Smart City Infrastructure and Data-Driven Decision-Making

The development of smart cities is a central component of UAE Vision 2030. ThirdEye’s AI-powered solutions can support this vision by providing valuable data to inform urban planning, transportation management, and infrastructure development.

The data collected by ThirdEye can be integrated with other smart city technologies, such as traffic management systems, to optimise traffic flow, reduce congestion, and improve overall mobility. Moreover, this data can be used by policymakers and city planners to make informed decisions about infrastructure investments, road safety improvements, and public transit options.

By providing a comprehensive, data-driven picture of road safety and driver behaviour, ThirdEye can help the UAE build smarter, more resilient cities that align with the goals of UAE Vision 2030.

In conclusion, As the UAE continues to pursue its ambitious Vision 2030 plan, the integration and investment in AI technologies like ThirdEye, will be crucial for achieving its objectives, and making it a global leader in road safety and smart city development, paving the way for a brighter and more secure future for generations to come.

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the UAE’s AI-Powered Government

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being embraced by governments around the world as a tool to improve efficiency, decision-making, and service delivery.
In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), AI has played a significant role in shaping government policies and initiatives, particularly in areas such as education, healthcare, and transportation.

The UAE has been at the forefront of adopting and integrating AI into various sectors, with a focus on using technology to drive innovation and progress.
The government has established initiatives such as the UAE AI Roadmap 2031 and the Dubai 10X initiative, which aim to position the country as a global leader in AI and harness its potential to drive economic growth and improve the lives of citizens.

In this article, we will explore the ways in which AI is being utilized in the UAE’s government policies and initiatives and the impact it is having on various sectors.

“UAE Launches Artificial Intelligence and Coding License to Attract Investment and Talent”

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Coding Licence have been created to encourage investment in AI and attract AI companies and coders to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The license aligns with the goals of the UAE’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031 and allows companies holding the license to work at the DIFC Innovation Hub, a hub for FinTech and innovative companies in the Gulf Cooperation Council region.
It also gives companies the opportunity to provide their employees with UAE Golden Visas. This is the first of its kind in the UAE and was launched by the Dubai International Financial Centre in collaboration with the UAE Artificial Intelligence Office.

“The UAE’s National AI Strategy 2031 and Program for Artificial Innovation Aim to Foster Technological Growth and Talent”

The UAE is utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) ethically and is committed to rapidly adopting AI technologies in government and fostering AI talent. To achieve this, the UAE has implemented the National AI Strategy 2031 and the UAE National Program for Artificial Intelligence. Initiatives in the UAE also aim to support technological businesses and startups by providing access to funding, networks, and a favorable environment for innovation and growth.
The UAE is also focused on cultivating a new generation of talent with expertise in AI and cutting-edge technologies through the integration of AI technologies in education at all levels and the development of AI skills in higher education. There are Several universities in the UAE, including

These universities offer various majors in AI at various levels for those interested in pursuing a career in this field.
These institutions offer both graduate and undergraduate programs in AI, and some are ranked among the top universities for AI by the QS World University Ranking.
In addition, the UAE offers numerous scholarships for those interested in studying AI in the UAE or abroad. These scholarships, provided by organizations such as the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) and MBZUAI, support education in ICT-related disciplines at prestigious universities in the UAE and abroad and offer full tuition coverage, a monthly stipend, and other benefits. Further information on these scholarship opportunities can be found here.

“United Arab Emirates Government Releases Multiple AI-Supportive Initiatives & contests”

The National Program for Coders is an initiative in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that aims to support the growth of the country’s digital economy by developing talent, expertise, and innovation in coding.

UAE Codes Day, celebrated on October 29th, recognizes the importance of coders in UAE society and works to establish the country as a desirable location for coders and a hub for new talent.

The UAE National Program for Artificial Intelligence (BRAIN) is a comprehensive collection of resources that demonstrate the advancements in AI and robotics, with a particular focus on the UAE’s goal of becoming a leading participant in the ethical use of AI globally.
This program outlines the various initiatives, collaborations, partnerships, and breakthroughs in the field of AI and their impact on humanity.

The UAE Council for Artificial Intelligence (AI):
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has established the UAE Council for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to oversee the integration of AI in the government and education sectors. The council is responsible for proposing policies to promote an AI-friendly environment, support advanced research in AI, and facilitate collaboration between the public and private sectors, including international organizations. The goal of the council is to implement the UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence and position the UAE as a global leader in AI by 2031. To achieve this, the council will create committees and sub-councils to support its efforts.”

The UAE Artificial Intelligence Internship Program is a three-year program that aims to provide practical experiences for 120 Emirati students each year in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. As part of the program, 10 students will receive intensive training for 5 days and earn a diploma in Data Engineering and Cloud from Dell Technologies. The students will also have the opportunity to gain practical experience in various departments at Dell and attend major events such as GITEX Technology Week.
The goals of the program include preparing a qualified generation of Emiratis for future jobs in the UAE, developing the skills of Emirati youth in AI technology, and awarding a diploma in Data Engineering and Cloud.

Artificial Intelligence Summer Camp:
The UAE government has established the UAE AI Summer Camp in partnership with various technology and education firms. The camp is organized by the UAE Council for Artificial Intelligence, which aims to support knowledge transfer and cultivate a generation capable of using advanced technology to address future challenges.


The UAE AI & Robotics Award for Good:
Is a competition that aims to encourage the development of innovative solutions using artificial intelligence and robotics to address challenges in the fields of health, education, and social services.
It also aims to raise awareness of the benefits of these technologies and turn innovative ideas into reality to improve government services in the UAE.
The competition is open to individuals, teams, universities, and companies, both nationally and internationally. UAE citizens and residents can participate in either the national or international competition, while non-UAE citizens and residents can only participate in the international competition.


The UAE is looking to incorporate artificial intelligence into all aspects of government services.


Artificial intelligence in healthcare

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHaP) in the UAE has implemented various artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the healthcare sector. In 2014, MoHaP introduced a robot to perform catheterization and cardiac surgeries at Al Qasimi Hospital.
In 2018, a new robotic device was added to Al Qasimi Hospital to perform complex catheterization and cardiac surgeries, which resulted in a 99.1% clinical success rate in complex cases and a 95% reduction in radiation exposure to the primary operator. Robots are also used for catheterization and cardiac surgeries at Rashid Hospital in Dubai. In April 2019, MoHaP launched a Robotic Surgeries Program in gynaecology and obstetrics.
In 2017, MoHaP introduced a robotic pharmacy at Al Fujairah Hospital to deliver medicines to external clinics, while the Dubai Health Authority launched a robot at Rashid Hospital to dispense medicine without human intervention.
The Medopad app, developed by MoHaP, uses AI technologies to track patients’ daily activities, monitor vital signs, and predict or detect life-threatening medical conditions. It also provides educational and awareness content to assist patients with various conditions.

Artificial intelligence in public services

The Dubai Police introduced the world’s first operational robot police officer, or “Robocop,” in May 2017. The Robocop is equipped with an emotion detector that can recognize gestures and hand signals from up to 1.5 meters away and has the ability to detect a person’s emotions and facial expressions. It can also communicate in six languages, interact and chat with people, respond to queries, shake hands, and offer a military salute.
The Dubai Municipality has also deployed robots on beaches to assist with rescue operations in case of high waves or heavy ocean currents.
The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security introduced a customer service robot called Hamad in November 2014 to serve customers in its happiness centers all over the country.
while the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai has a robot-operated vehicle registration plate maker and robots that clean Dubai Metro stations.
The Digital Dubai Authority has developed Rashid, a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to provide official and reliable answers to customer questions about various transactions and procedures in Dubai.

In conclusion, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made significant progress in adopting and integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into various sectors, including education, healthcare, and transportation.
As the country aims to become a global leader in AI, drive economic growth, and improve citizens’ lives,.